About Us

Data-Based Digital Scaling For Businesses

DublinRush is a Digital Marketing blog and Consulting Company. We do work as an Agency with a Select Number of Clients too, so if you are interested in building a Data-Based Digital Scaling Process - Hit me up!

Hey there! Paul Allen here, founder of DublinRush. After Spending years working in the trenches of the Digital Marketing industry I finally decided to go out on my own. The primary lesson I have learned from my experiences is that a Data-Based approach to scaling a business digitally, will always win. I’m no creative genius, I’m no expert on making viral campaigns or building the next great TikTocker… but what I do know, is how to use data to a businesses advantage and build predictable, scalable processes.

Data is King

This ranges in everything to building SEO content and Content Distribution campaigns, to Google Adwords campaigns that produce a profitable ROAS every single month. I will never try to predict how a market will react to a product/service, and instead let the market determine what direction a company should be focusing on. 

This site is primarily going to be focused on building out these processes from an SEO perspective and providing those of you that read it, with insights as we document our journey. And while we are open to discussing new business opportunities, we are very selective in who we work with so we are definitely not here to try sell you anything. 

DublinRush - Data-Based Digital Marketing